Smart Engineering Audit

Buildings, built 20-30 years ago were based on materials and technology available at that point of time. In the last few decades, there has been an exponential rise in the availability of new materials and technologies at significantly lower prices than before.

As in any design considerations, diversity of occupancy and usage of various resources is based on practical experience of the designer. However, the actual ground reality may be very different from the designer’s assumptions. So we may end up with either an overdesigned or an under designed equipment or resource.

Working for over the last 40 years In the Built environment sector, DFX has realized the need to Assess the actual usage pattern of various resources in existing buildings and the health of the equipment installed. DFX, therefore offers its Smart Engineering Audit services, which addresses the problems faced by existing buildings.

As part of this service, DFX measures online all critical parameters of assets installed, derives the usage pattern and the operating efficiencies at each level. A comprehensive Audit report is presented to the Building Management team giving recommendations for either replacement or upgradation.

Audit Objectives

The objectives of Energy Audit are to:

  • Analyze Energy and other Resources consumption patterns
  • Monitor the dynamics of the space being controlled where energy is used
  • Monitor changing external factors and predict the impact on the controlled space
  • Evaluate operating efficiencies of machines to identify over/ under designed equipment
  • Optimize management and operation of machines - Process Re-engineering
  • Explore the possibility of utilizing off-peak spare generating capacities

Audit Methodology

Static Audit:

  • Initial Data Collection
  • Interviews with Operation and Maintennce Technical staff
  • Study the Monthly and Annual consumption of Resources
  • Analysis & Report Preparation

Dynamic Audit:

  • Measurement Plan based on Static Audit
  • Measurements using Electrical Power Analysers, Harmonics Analysers and Thermographic Images.
  • Water consumption by cost centres, and effectiveness of Recycling
  • Report generation summarising the observations and provide recommendations for replacement and/or refurbishment
  • Review the process flow with a view to flatten peak consumption
  • Evaluate feasibility of shifting peak consumption from high tariff slab to lowest tariff slab
